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Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes Extreme Capsules

Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes Extreme Capsules
  • Size: 120 Capsules
  • Size: 3-capsule 24-pack
$24.95 - $46.80
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Concentrated, full-spectrum electrolyte replenishment

- Full-spectrum, balanced formula
- 3x the sodium and potassium per capsule as original Endurolytes

Designed for harsh conditions, high heat, the unacclimated, and those with elevated salt needs, this formula offers three times the sodium chloride (salt) and potassium content of standard Electrolytes. Despite the salt increase, the Extreme formula maintains a complete blend of electrolytes.

- Kosher Certification
- Endurolytes Extreme is certified by Informed Choice and Informed Sport.

Part Numbers

Option UPC MPN Store SKU
120 Capsules 602059006479 ELX 210000033565
3-capsule 24-pack 602059014580 ELX-PB
